Electric Bikes break down barriers of riding. It comes with assist, an incredibly intuitive, vital tool for commuting that gives you an option to pedal, go full throttle or use pedal assist. E-cycles are also eco friendly, ensure less physical exertion than regular cycles and help you save money on fuel and maintenance.
Electric Scooter are non-geared two-wheelers that work like a regular scooter on electric. The components and other electrical parts are all covered that give the rider a maximum speed of 25 kmph. However e-cycles ride at a speed upto 25km/hr. One also does not need any license or any form of registration to ride an e-cycle.
No, our E-Cycles does not warrant any official papers or license issue by the road authorities.
You can find the spare parts at our nearest authorize dealer/showroom or you can contact us on 8793339245
There is a Power Switch located on the side of the battery that serves as the on/off switch for the whole system.
Yes, Batteries can be charged off line at your office desk for our models – GM360, JIT, Hammock and Waltz. These batteries can be charged anywhere – office/home/public spaces. Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) however comes with a fixed battery
Yes, the Battery is locked to the bike and a key should be used to remove it.
It can carry a load of 120kg